Thursday, April 8, 2010

We survived our first blood bath!

Jack fell down today and bit his lip. Of course it had to happen in public, the CMU music building to be exact. Not to mention that it is Opus this weekend (which is, for those who don't know, like thee event of the year) so the building was filled with people. So I had to rush out of there with a child screaming at the top of his lungs with blood coming out of his mouth. I'm sure I looked like a super awesome mother. Once we were in the car, I gave him a nuk to try to calm him down. When we got home and I took the nuk out, he had a ring of blood around his mouth. In the picture it just looks like chocolate.

The reason we were at the music building today is because I was helping out On the Rox with an arrangement I did for them. Of course, Jack being the ladies man that he is, had all of them swooning when he lifted up his shirt to show them his "button."

Yesterday I made Jack sit through the movie "Evita" with me. As if it wasn't bad enough that he had to watch it, he had to listen to me serenade him throughout the entire thing. Yes. I know every single word to every single song in that musical.

This was his initial reaction:

But then he realized that he loved it.
( I knew he would. Hello! His parents have music and theatre
 degrees!) And he was straining to see around me and the camera:


  1. Poor kiddo! I remember Ian's first bloody booboo, he fell and split his lip open on the coffee table. He was of course fine after a moment of comforting but I felt terrible that I let my baby get broken for days.

    Love the pictures of him watching Evita. I bet you have a very fun and creative household with your backgrounds. What a lucky kid Jack is to have all that inspiration.

  2. EVITA is my favorite musical ever. I, too, know literally every word of that movie and will someday sing it to my children. Well, and hopefully play that role someday! :) Jack is lucky to be introduced to it so young!
