Words that he's known such as "off" and "eye" are becoming much clearer (he actually says the "ffff" of off now so "on" and "off" don't sound exactly the same haha)
Some of his latest additions are "mouth" and "hot dog." And no. Not as in the food. As in Mickey Mouse. When they sing "Hot Dog!" at the beginning of the Hot Dog song, Jack will repeat it.
And as of this morning I've learned that he's added "Cookie" when Josh sent me the following message:
Josh: Jack said "cookie" this morning.
me: no way
like it was obviously cookie?
was he pointing to the cabinet?
Josh: He was at the cabinet and it cleary sounded like cookie. I was proud, so we both had a cookie for breakfast.
Jack also surprised the hell out of us when we discovered that he knows his numbers and letters. We recite the alphabet and count with him at home, and Stephanie does when he's with her, but not really in a manner to encourage him to learn them, just more so he gets used to hearing/seeing them. Josh discovered on accident that Jack knew his numbers when Josh said the number "3" and Jack pointed to it. We then wrote out numbers on a dry erase board and asked him various ones and he knew every one!
Yesterday we were doing it again as we were coloring so I decided to see if he knew the alphabet too. Sure enough, he knew several letters! I don't think he's confident with all of them, but he definitely has the first few down pat. We sure have a smarty on our hands!
What a wonderful little boy! I love that feeling when you child is doing well and learning things left and right. It is like a little success for us parents too!